You will also need to make sure your MySQL server has disabled
which you can do by adding the following line to your my.ini file:sql-mode="NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"
Note: On some windows variants (Server 2008 R2) you may need to modify the ini here: C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\my.ini rather than in your Program Files folder.
You can verify you have STRICT_TRANS_TABLES disabled by running the following query "select @@GLOBAL.sql_mode;" in your MySQL server.
If you continue to receive the error, make sure to copy your extDB2.dll, tbb.dll, and the allocator dll of your choice from @ExileServer to the root arma server. (where your Arma3Server.exe is.)
As always you can submit a ticket with our support technicians to have them resolve these issues for you.